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Private Kinderkrippe Tag

“Toy day” with a difference

At our facility in Aubing, the educators organized a toy day on which the children were allowed to bring a toy of their choice. Each child has a toy which they take as their closest companion. Whether a book, doll or dinosaur, the heart of…

Little snowflake, little whiteskirt . . .

. . . when will you be snowing? The children from our facility in Aubing could no longer wait for real snow to come and therefore decided to make their own. Cutting snowflakes is a great winter theme activity to refine their motor skills and…

Christmas is coming . . .

. . . and excitement is in the air. Not only Santa and his helpers are busy preparing for Christmas, also the children from all our Infanterix facilities have their hands full getting everything ready on time. At Infanterix Haidhausen 1, the children made cute…

The Advent Season

Advent marks the start of a season and are one of the coziest times of the year. The weeks leading up to Christmas are filled with long standing traditions such as holiday songs, baking cookies, wrapping presents and putting up the lights, the tree, and…

The first snow

As the days grow shorter and Christmas approaches, we await the magic of the first seasonal snowfall. This year, the first snow came right on time for the first Advent. The children from our facility in Aubing we extremely excited and could not wait to…

Christmas mail from the elves

Christmas is upon us and by now, all the elves should be busy preparing the gifts for Christmas. But apparently, a few elves still have some time left to spare. Right in time for the first Advent, the mailbox at the back door of our…

Excursions to the animal kingdom

Animals always seem to be fascinating and attractive to most children. That’s why they are always the subject of projects in our Infanterix day care centers. We always highlight our projects from different angles. On the one hand, we provide the children with all sorts…