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Author: Marina Huber

Time for free play

We make sure that our children always have enough time for free play, like here in our facility in Moosach. During this time, the children can play with whomever and with whatever they like. It doesn’t matter whether they do a role play with a…

Autumn is coming…

Autumn changes the leaves into lovely colours and inspires wonderful collages, like here in our Neuhausen 2 facility. The children formed different pictures and motives with finger colours. There is a great autumn tree with leaves which are the handprints of our children. The cute…

Bavaria Day at Infanterix Harras

Bavaria Day was also celebrated in our facility in Harras, The children came in traditional Bavarian dress, we made Wiesn hearts out of paper with them, there was an authentic Bavarian snack and of course, lots of games and music. This day is always a…

Bavaria Day at Infanterix

Wiesn time is the nicest time of year in Munich. That’s why every year we look forward to celebrating Bavaria Day with the children in our facilities. For example, here in our facility in Moosach. The children come in their Bavarian outfits, we make Wiesn…

Sunflower project in Neuhausen 2

In our Neuhausen 2 facility, we did a sunflower project. Part of the project was a long picture patterned with lots of sunflowers. Firstly, we observed real sunflowers with the children and then they were able to dip their hands in finger paint and make…

Nursery in Munich

Infanterix is multilingual day care centre in Munich. Since 2007 Infanterix promotes children of nurseries and kindergartens on different locations in Munich. Due to the growing demand of day care places, Infanterix is also growing with new facilities.