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Author: Marina Huber


We like to involve the children of our facilities in coming up with themes for new projects. In the Butterfly group at our Aubing 2 facility every child was allowed to name their preferred theme. The vote went to the theme of “Airplanes”. In a…

Snow and Ice Everywhere

In our facility in Neuhausen 2, we have offered the children various possibilities for arts and crafts with the theme of winter and snow. Handprints can be used to create a wide range of pictures. Each child could create their own individual snowflake. Additionally, we…


The winter is taking a little break at the moment. Even better are some impressions from our facility in Moosach. The little ones enthusiastically played in the snow, feeling it with all their senses. The snow also provided a wonderful opportunity for experimenting. We put…


In our facility in Aubing the theme of Winter was also incorporated into our preschool group. The preschool children were allowed to paint a snowman and as an exercise to practice numbers, they wrote numbers all around the snowman in whichever way they liked. This…

Winter Decoration

Also in our facility in Neuhausen we are using the theme of Snow and Winter for our new decorations. For snowballs we have used polystyrene balls covered in cotton wool and for snowflakes little painted wooden sticks. Together they create a beautiful mobile. And because…


Das Thema Winter bietet die vielfältigsten Möglichkeiten zum kreativ werden. In unserer Einrichtung in Schwabing haben die Kinder eine Skipiste mit Skifahrern gebastelt. Ein großer Karton wurde weiß bemalt und ein Berg hinein gesetzt. Der Schnee wurde aus Glitzersteinen und Watte gemacht. Und die Skifahrer…


In our facility in Moosach our theme for arts and craft is winter and snow. The children created lovely snowmen and winter landscapes using paint and cotton wool.