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Author: Marina Huber

Easter Party

Before Easter, we made preparations for the Easter party together with the children. In Neuhausen 2, the children dyed eggs which had previously been labeled with their names. At the party itself there was a delicious and healthy breakfast, and of course the Easter Bunny…

Painting with fingerpaint

At our Blumenau workshop, the children made multicoloured paintings. They applied fingerpaint directly onto the paper with their hands and also used sponges to stamp and roll. There was no limit to the imagination.

A visit at the museum

We recently did an excursion to the Museum of Archaeology with the children from Aubing 1. There they had the opportunity to learn all about dinosaurs. When they lived, how they looked, why they became extinct? And because you can work up quite an appetite…


Die Schulung der Feinmotorik ist eine wichtige Aufgabe. Dazu bieten wir den Kindern unterschiedlichste Beschäftigungen an. Dauerbrenner bei den Kindern sind nach wie vor Bügelperlen und Mini Steck. Die Kinder lieben es sich dabei kreativ zu betätigen und ihrer Phantasie freien Lauf zu lassen. Aber…


It is finally now officially springtime. The sun is shining, everything is beginning to blossom and the first little bees are buzzing through the air. In our facility Neuhausen 2, we used the spring feeling as the theme for the window display. Using finger paint,…

Even more for the Easter Bunny

Since we have all been crafting, painting and designing for Easter so diligently in all our facilities, there is a lot to see again today. In addition to all the different Easter baskets, the little ones were also allowed to paint and glue sweet little…

Easter Crafts

In our facilities, we are all preparing for Easter which is coming up soon. We created Easter baskets together with the children and parents. Since they were made in every facility and it is impossible to decide which is the nicest basket, here is a…