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Author: Marina Huber


Painting is still a favorite activity for most children. They can let their imagination run free and tell stories with their pictures. Here is an example from our kindergarten children in Neuhausen.


In our English nursery at Neuhausen 2, our educators have been creating autumn pictures with the children. During this activity, the children were able to use all their senses. They made hand and footprints on paper and with a few brushstrokes, created beautiful autumn trees…

Something’s happening!

In our nursery at Infanterix Neuhausen we are gradually welcoming our new children. With a gentle adaptation phase, we allow them a nice start at the nursery. In doing so, we involve all parties and gradually familiarize the children with their new environment. This way…

Rainy days

Our children from Aubing can’t help playing happily outside even in bad weather. With the right clothes you can also have lots of fun in the rain.

Summer Party at Neuhausen 2

We also celebrated a wonderful summer party at our Neuhausen 2 facility. For the decorations, we created butterflies with the children. In addition to a bouncy castle and delicious food, there were also some interactive stations, such as play dough and make-up. Everyone was in…

Final trip for the preschool children

We took a 3-day trip to Oberaudorf with the preschool kids from Neuhausen. We went with them hiking, climbing and swimming, had a barbeque at the camp fire and at the end there was a pyjama party. This was a wonderful and memorable time for…