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Author: Marina Huber


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A Christmas story

During last year’s Advent season, our kindergarten children from Moosach came up with a Christmas story together. For each day of the Advent calendar, there was a hidden picture which gave them an idea of how the story could be told. Every day, a different…

Christmas is in the air…

It’s getting colder, the first snow is falling and it’s starting to feel like Christmas. To add to the festive atmosphere, our pedagogical staff in the Neuhausen 2 nursery have been busy designing Christmas pictures with the children. The children were able to be creative…


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Little artists

Which child has not dreamt at some point of being allowed to paint an entire wall? With a little trick, we made this possible for the children at our Neuhausen 2 facility. With great enthusiasm, they became real little artists and were allowed to paint…

I walk with my lantern…

In our nurseries and kindergartens, the teachers prepared a lantern party and street procession for the parents and children. In the nursery at Neuhausen 2, they baked small St Martin’s Geese with the children. The children were able to roll out the dough themselves, cut…


In our French nursery in Schwabing, the educators have set up a barefoot course for the children. The children were able to walk on different surfaces with bare feet and feel with their feet. There were rubber mats with different surfaces, tickling feathers, large, round…

Lantern parade

Also in our English nursery in Neuhausen the parents were able to make colorful St Martin’s lanterns with their children and the support of the teachers. The children were able to stick cut-out motifs on translucent paper or even paint something on it themselves. Even…

Lantern, lantern, sun, moon and stars …

Every year, the children are happy when the time comes for the St Martin’s Day parades. In our kindergarten in Neuhausen, the educators organised a craft afternoon for the parents and children. Together they designed beautiful lanterns. There were no limits to the imagination, whether…