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Author: Marina Huber

Elysée 2020

Last week Thursday and Friday, we had the pleasure to welcome two preschool teachers from France in our establishment Infanterix in Westpark. Viola Delattre and Maxence Laignel both teach at the public preschool Henri Matisse to Bruay sur l’Escaut, a city in the North of…

Visit to the Cowboy Club

We are always happy if we are able to go on special trips with the children from nursery and kindergarten. In March our educators in Moosach visited the Munich Cowboy Club. Real Cowboys greeted the children in the saloon with a glass of tasty chocolate…


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Spring awakening

The children from our Tiger group in Infanterix schawbing are currently busy with, appropriate with the view out of the window, the theme spring and flowers. During a walk they could see the colourful flowers up close. With many impressions we went back to the…

Trip to the hunting and fishing museum.

He children from our English kindergarten and nursery in Infanterix Harras went on a trip to the hunting and fishing museum. At the museum there are lots of things to see, feel and experience. Animals which are rarely seen can be felt and seen at…

Easter egg dyeing

What would Easter be without hand dyed eggs? Of course the children in our facility in blumenau do not want to miss out on this. Carefully hey place the boiled egg in the bowls of dye. No matter if it is red, yellow or green….

Craft afternoon

In our facilities, like here in Infanterix Blumenau, craft afternoons with parents take place regularly. Here things are cut, glued, painted and crafted. Parents and children alike enjoy these afternoons and the results clearly show this.


In our kindergarten from Infanterix Aubing 2 their current theme is Dinosaurs. Our educators always (deliver approach) themes from a wide range of angles. They read books about dinosaurs with the children, tell them how they lived and looked and they do crafts and painting…