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Author: Marina Huber

Around the World in a Day

At Infanterix, bilingualism does not only refer to the ability to use two languages in everyday life. It goes deeper and is a sense of engagement and understanding for different cultures and customs. To support and promote this point of view, the kindergarten group of…

Our environment

At Infanterix, we place great importance on the fact that children should learn how to deal responsibly with the environment from an early age. This includes the conscious use of resources and everything revolving around waste separation and recycling. As part of this, the children…

Multilinguale Erziehung bei Infanterix München

Infanterix betreibt deutsch-englische und deutsch-französische Kitas in München. Bereits 2007 wurde die erste deutsch-englische Kita von Infanterix in München eröffnet. Inzwischen betreibt Infanterix 13 multilinguale Kitas. In allen Kitas von Infanterix wird das deutsch-englische oder deutsch-französische Sprachkonzept angeboten, in der Kindertageseinrichtung Neuhausen 1 können die…

Parkour Obstacle Courses

The educators from our facility in Westpark set up fun and challenging parkour obstacle courses throughout the group rooms for the kindergarten children. The layout of an environment will affect how children play and learn. Parkour is a natural method for training the human body…

Hooray, spring is coming!

After a few gray and rainy days, spring has finally arrived. The sun is shining and the first flowers are starting to bloom. To celebrate the occasion, our German-English facility in Haidhausen 1 glued some colorful stones onto flowerpots. Apart from this, the educators also…

Old McDonald had a farm….

…the theme song to our current theme at our facility in Harras. The children could not get enough of this song over the past weeks. What kind of different animals live on the farm, what do they look like and what makes them so special….

Carnival festivities at Infanterix

The Carnival season is one of the most exciting times of the year. The children love having a reason to play dress-up and we also encourage them to do so and to partake in the fun. Our facilities were filled with loads of excitement. The…