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Author: Marina Huber

Painting the Terrace

Children love to paint and they also love to play outdoors. Why not combine the two? That’s what our educators from Infanterix Germering thought. With environmentally friendly paint and foam paint brushes, the children could get to work and paint the tiles of the terrace….

Discovering nature

Educating the children on nature and the environment is an important educational objective in our facilities. That is why the children of Infanerix Nehausen 2 went on a discovery tour in the garden. The educators talked to the children about the different species of insects,…

Action Painting

Once again, our children from Infanterix Blumenau were busy and got creative. But who says that you always have to paint precisely with pens or brushes? This time, the children were given the chance to try their hand at action painting – inspired by Jackson…

Crafting for Mother’s and Father’s Day

The children at our Infanterix Freiham centre have been busy preparing small gifts for Mother’s- and Father’s Day. A heart-shaped stamp was made using 2 rolls of toilet paper glued together, which in turn was used to make pretty pictures. And because a sweet surprise…

Colouring-changing flowers

Children love experiments! They are fascinated to discover what happens during an experiment and, of course the outcome of it. In our new Infanterix Freiham facility, the children had the chance to conduct an experiment with flowers. Even though white flowers are pretty to look…

Spring is upon us!

It is springtime all around, and no different in our facilities. Therefore, we have started making themed based handicrafts to reflect the time of the year in all the facilities. Made from empty toilet paper rolls, we now have funny bees and butterflies fluttering through…

Project Week; Flowers

The theme of the week in our Infanteix Dornach nursery were flowers. The children created the most beautiful mutli-colored flowers using a variety of techniques. Whether cotton balls, dishwashing brushes or cotton swabs – all were beautiful. Subsequently, the flowers were used as decorations for…