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Author: Marina Huber


Once again, we celebrated Halloween. In the run-up to the event, the children from Infanterix Freiham created appropriate decorations together with their teachers: Pumpkins out of paper plates, bats out of toilet paper rolls and mummy lanterns out of old jam jars. Even the catering…

The fun of experimenting

As young researchers, children explore their environment with all their senses from the get-go. Their interest in research covers a wide range of areas, such as water, air, weather phenomena, fire, distant worlds and much more. In our Infanterix Freiham facility, the children discussed the…

Down in the depths of the ocean

In our Infanterix Blumenau nursery, the children are currently learning about the ocean. Through books and stories, they learn a lot about the inhabitants of the underwater world. Following the stories, they have the opportunity to get creative. Using different techniques, they tinker and sculpt…

Authors Corner

In our nursery Infanterix Blumenau there is the “Authors Corner”. There, we exhibit stories in the form of small books narrated and illustrated by the children of the Sunflower Group. The children can look at their friends’ works there and have the stories read aloud…

A day in Dornach

This is a little insight into a normal day at the Infanterix Dornach day care centre. The children’s fine motor skills are promoted by stringing beads, as well as by tracing their hands on paper. Even the young ones are encouraged to help with the…

The countries of our earth

At Infanterix Unterhaching, we are currently focusing on the topic “Our Earth”. In addition to talking to the children about our earth and the solar system, our teachers are also exploring different countries. In the process they learn, amongst other things, what the flags of…

Painting with ice cubes

Suitable for the summer days, we painted using ice cubes at Infanterix Sendling. The children mixed and filled water and colours into moulds and after the mixture had frozen, they had self-made ice cube crayons. The ice cube crayons can be used to paint generously…